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Advancing connectivity in agriculture

The River Severn Partnership Advanced Wireless Innovation Region (RSPAWIR) Project

An exciting initiative set to revolutionise farming by showcasing the transformative potential of 5G and advanced wireless technologies, aiming to boost efficiency, support sustainability, and set new standards in modern agriculture.


[Tender reference 2024/S 000-019576 - River Severn Partnership Advanced Wireless Innovation Region Mobile Connectivity Facility]

Invitation to Tender for a Mobile Connectivity Facility to deliver a Roadshow programme capable of demonstrating a variety of wireless Agri-tech use cases in a range of locations throughout the River Severn Catchment area.

Please see more information and tender documentation under Tender Documents at the base of this webpage.


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Transforming farming practices

Driving tech advancements and sustainability

Reliable connectivity, particularly through technologies like 5G is poised to revolutionise agriculture.

The River Severn Partnership Advanced Wireless Innovation Region (RSPAWIR) has allocated £1m to initiatives aimed at optimising the utilisation of current and emerging digital innovations.

Hartpury University is receiving support to showcase the application of modern technology to enhance environmental sustainability and business efficiency in agriculture, as well as benefit the general public.

Collaborative effort

In collaboration with Harper Adams University, Hartpury University will partner with farmers and landowners in the River Severn Partnership area to demonstrate the adaptation of advanced wireless technologies for crop monitoring, security maintenance, and energy regulation. 

Supporting rural innovation

The partnership will focus on three key areas:

  1. Data collection and management
  2. Data processing
  3. Asset and environmental monitoring

Find out more in the video below.

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Explore digital agriculture with Hartpury

Interactive technology displays

Explore the world of digital agriculture, spanning technologies such as mobile phones, IoT, AI, e-commerce platforms and agricultural robotics.

As part of the project, the Hartpury team is engaging farmers, stakeholders, suppliers, and mobile network operators through various events and technology days. These interactions will allow rural communities to see advanced wireless technologies in action, connect with suppliers and developers, and learn from experts.

Mobile demonstration unit

A unique feature is a mobile demonstration unit, which will provide a secure 5G and LoRaWAN network. This unit will offer both virtual and in-person experiences of advanced wireless technologies, making cutting-edge innovations accessible to the agricultural community.

Get in touch

To find out more about the project and how you or your business can get involved contact Claire Edwards, Rural Industries Project Manager by email -