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BSc (Hons) Strength and Conditioning

Immerse yourself in a performance sports environment, using dedicated gyms and human performance laboratories to perfect your coaching style. Work alongside our student athletes as you develop the knowledge to improve the physical preparation of sports men and women.


BSc (Hons) Physical Education and School Sport

Make a difference to the lives of young people through physical education and school sport. Build the skills for a rewarding career, inspiring children to be more active, and improving their health and wellbeing through sport.


BSc (Hons) Agriculture (with Foundation Year)

If you want to progress into an agricultural management career, helping to find solutions to the world's most pressing issue of food production and land use, then this is the ideal course for you.


BSc (Hons) Veterinary Biosciences

Develop your knowledge and skills in animal biological sciences with this degree. Prepare to apply for a veterinary medicine/surgery degree in the future or an exciting career within the wider veterinary industry including veterinary laboratory and animal management environments.


MSc Animal Assisted Counselling and Psychotherapy

This postgraduate course has been designed for those already qualified as Psychologists and Counsellors to develop their understanding and expertise in utilising Animal Assisted Services (AAS) within their practice.


BSc (Hons) Business Management

Gain a high-quality business degree and benefit from our established reputation for producing business-savvy graduates. Develop applied expertise to become a confident business professional, ready to make a success in your future career.


BSc (Hons) Equine Science

If you’re passionate about horses and science and want to learn more about how these incredible animals work, then this is the course for you.


BSc (Hons) Agriculture with Livestock Science

If you want to progress into an agricultural management career, helping to find solutions to the world's most pressing issue of food production and land use, then this is the ideal course for you.


Diploma in Professional Studies Equine Veterinary Nursing

This two-year course - the only one of its kind in the UK – provides a fantastic opportunity for you to achieve university-level expertise (other two-year veterinary nursing qualifications are usually college/further education-level) whilst qualifying as a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Registered Veterinary Nurse.


BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Sciences

Work with the next generation of student athletes, improving their performance through sports science and exercise. Learn in our new, dedicated Human Performance and Biomechanics Laboratories, which are kitted out with technology used by Premier League and NFL teams.