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Benjamin Clay

Success Stories

BSc (Hons) Strength and Conditioning

Benjamin Clay

Ben studies BSc (Hons) Strength and Conditioning at Hartpury and is currently on his placement year, working as a coach for U16s and U18s at Gloucester Rugby.

Why Hartpury?

“As a child, I’d always dreamt of studying at university and opted for Hartpury after being drawn to its rugby programme, high quality facilities and red and black uniform. The smaller size of the university appealed to me as it felt more like a community where students could easily build relationships with their lecturers and peers.”

Ben’s Hartpury Experience

“If you invest yourself into the course, environment, and Hartpury itself, there’s no end to what you can achieve. My lecturers and mentors are always there for me, taking time out of their day to help me in more ways than one. I’ve been shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the best coaches in the world, who have provided me with the fundamental tools required to make me a great coach. They’ve taught me so much, helping me to develop as a person. I owe it to Hartpury’s staff and facilities that supported me in getting where I am today. If you were to ask me what skills Hartpury has helped me to develop, I’d say what skills haven’t they helped me with! My time-management, mindset and wanting to be the hardest working person in the room have enabled me to consistently strive for success. I especially loved the Sports Physiology module because of how challenging it was and how much effort it required.”

Developing Industry Connections

“One of my favourite experiences and biggest accomplishments that Hartpury helped me achieve was travelling to Canberra, Australia. After sending 137 emails in my first year and with the support of Greg Henry (a brilliant lecturer!), I embarked on an opportunity of a lifetime. I worked with premiership-level rugby players and the Brumbies Women and was privileged to meet the international superstar Darcy Swain. Travelling to Australia gifted me with invaluable experience that, although required a lot of effort, enabled me to make some life-long friends and build great connections.”

“The Dunning-Kruger Effect is real on the BSc (Hons) Sports and Coaching course. The fantastic people I’ve met at university, on placement, and in Australia have helped me to realise that no matter how much you think you know, there’s always more to learn. My advice to anyone considering coming to Hartpury is: if you have the right dedication towards your goals, Hartpury will provide you with every opportunity you need to be successful.”

Female Students In Gym

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Whether you aspire to coach in the community, work with athletes, become a sports therapist or PE teacher, or manage a team or club, our degrees will give you the qualifications, skills, and confidence to become a game changer in sport.


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