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Ellie Wharton

Success Stories

BA (Hons) Equine Business Management

Ellie Wharton 2

Whilst studying BA Equine Business Management at Hartpury University, Ellie secured an eight-week internship with Markel International. Since graduating, she has progressed into a permanent role as an equine and livestock Claims Adjuster at Markel, all whilst completing a master’s degree in Equine Science at Hartpury.

“Before I came to Hartpury, I had little confidence in terms of my academic ability and was unsure of career opportunities available in the equine industry. Being at Hartpury helped me get my foot in the door of an international company, helped me gain the tools to succeed, and taught me that I deserve to have a seat at the table.

It being a smaller university very much worked in our favour as students. You’re a person, not a number. Being allowed the freedom to go down the route of our choosing, particularly when selecting modules, meant we were working towards something we’re passionate about and enjoy, with guidance from lecturers who are experienced and respected in the industry. 

Hartpury changed my life. I was able to combine my passion with achieving a qualification that’s respected inside and outside of the equine industry, and make lifelong friends.”

Horse Trotting On Treadmill

Study Equine

If you’re passionate, hard-working and motivated to make a difference, we’ll give you the skills and connections to channel this energy into an exciting equine career. Whatever your career aspirations, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to gain experience on and off campus.


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