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International Student Life 2

Funding your studies

Guidance on financing your studies and working in the UK.

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In addition to paying your tuition fees, you will also need to budget to ensure you have sufficient money for living costs including; travel to and from the UK, accommodation, meals and other living expenses while you are at Hartpury.

As part of your visa application, you’ll need to evidence that you have at least £9,135 to support you living in the UK for nine months of study. 

You may also need to budget for more money, depending on your lifestyle and choice of accommodation.

Coming to Hartpury may be the first time you are responsible for managing your money. Our Finance team is always here to help you manage your finances and answer any questions.


Call: +44 (0) 1452 702 697

International Student Life

Financing your studies

You may be eligible for grants and bursaries in your home country, so check on your local government website if there are any routes for helping you finance your degree, such as loans and scholarships.

Working while you study

There are lots of job opportunities in and around Hartpury and Gloucester to earn money and gain valuable life experience and employable skills. If you are on a student visa, you can work up to 20 hours a week during term time and unlimited hours during the holidays.

Our Student’ Union advertises lots of job openings to help you earn extra money, with the possibilities to work on campus including student ambassador roles, work at Legends Bar or as a student warden. You can also find your own part-time work off-campus.

Our Innovation, Careers and Enterprise Centre (ICE) can also support you with finding part-time work opportunities, applying for jobs, including writing your CV and cover letters, and practising your interview skills.