Submitting your results

If you are holding a conditional offer with us you will need to send us your grades as soon as possible after they have been released. The best way to do this to ensure that your results are processed as quickly as possible is by using the online portal on our website – you’ll receive some more information nearer the time with a link to the portal.

If you are unable to do this you can inform us of your results by telephoning the Admissions team on 01452 702 244. Please note that our phone lines will be extremely busy and we will answer your call as soon as we can. Results submitted by telephone will take longer to process so if you are able to submit your results through the web portal we would strongly encourage you to do so.

It is important that you submit your results as soon as possible and no later than 3pm on Thursday 29 August. Results received after this time may still be processed however your offer of a place on the course will no longer be guaranteed.

What happens next

If you have achieved the grades that you need to meet the terms of your offer we will confirm your place and we will send you confirmation of this via email, normally within 2-3 days of you submitting the results. Please note that confirmation that you have been accepted onto a course does not constitute confirmation that you have been allocated a place in our Accommodation. If you are currently on a wait list for a room our Accommodation team will contact you as soon as a bed becomes available and will be contacting everyone who remains on a wait list on Thursday 29 August with a further update.

If you have achieved better grades than expected and wish to be considered for a higher level course, please give us a call on 01452 702 244 to request this.  We can take details of your results and your application will be passed on to the course team to consider whether this will be possible.  In the meantime, if you have achieved the grades you needed to meet the terms of your offer your place on the course you were originally offered will be confirmed.

If you have not achieved the results that you need to meet the terms of your offer then a member of the relevant course team will review your application and may contact you to discuss your options. We may still be able to offer you a place on the course, or an alternative, and we will send you confirmation of our decision by email. 

The review process for applicants who have not met the terms of their offer or for applicants wishing to be considered for a higher level course than they have been offered will not begin until we have received results for the majority of our applicants, so the earliest that you can expect to hear from us is Wednesday 28 August.

If your plans have changed

If you no longer wish to study at Hartpury College please let us know by completing this short form here. This will allow us to offer your place to another applicant.

If you have any queries regarding sending us your results, or any other aspect of your application, please do not hesitate to contact our Admissions team on 01452 702 244.

May we take this opportunity to wish you good luck with your results.